Thursday 16 June 2011

REVIEW Paige Toon - Lucy in the Sky

Goodreads Synopsis: Settling down for a 24-hour flight to Australia, Lucy finds a text message on her phone from a woman claiming to have slept with her boyfriend, James, four times in the past month. Trapped above the Pacific, she questions everything about their relationship, but when she finally calls him James reassures her that it was only his friend playing a joke. James is gorgeous and successful and Lucy adores him, yet at her best friend Molly’s wedding in Sydney she finds herself having doubts and keeping an eye Molly's brother-in-law Nathan? Nathan is a happy-go-lucky surfer boy with no prospects, no place to live, and an almost-girlfriend in tow. Suddenly Lucy finds herself caught between two distant continents and two very different men.    
I have to say I'm very, very thankful I had a weekend without stress or any responsibilities for school. I still would have read 'Lucy in the Sky' as quickly as I did now, but I wouldn't have done any schoolwork!

This is my second Paige Toon novel, the first one was 'Chasing Daisy'. While I really liked reading Chasing Daisy, I didn't LOVE it because I didn't really like the main character, Daisy. I didn't have the same problem with Lucy. I really liked Lucy and I could empathize with her. She's funny and like-able and I want her as a friend!

The story itself was also very nice. After receiving that horrible text on the plane, I really felt Lucy's emotions. The same with meeting Nathan and her inner conflict between the guys. I think it's all really well done, I really believed Lucy's actions and thoughts and to me it all seemed very realistic.

In many chick lit novels with love triangles there's always one guy that I like, I think mostly because the writer wants me to like that one. In Lucy in the Sky, for me this wasn't the case. At first, I really liked Nathan, but when Lucy returned to the UK I liked James as well. Of course, given the choice in the end there's no question who I would pick (or who Lucy should pick!).

I really didn't want this book to end, I wanted to stay with Lucy! The writing was so good, I felt like I was there and I was a part of the story. Paige Toon has written an amazing debut and I'm really looking forward to reading 'Pictures of Lily'. 

Besides, I think I'm one of the worst cover judges, but I adore this one! Isn't it stunning?!

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